Thursday, March 27, 2014

What is Astigmatism?

What is astigmatism?
Astigmatism is a refractive error that occurs when the front surface of your eye (cornea) or the lens inside the eye is slightly irregular or cylindrical in shape, resulting in vision being blurred or distorted at all distances. Astigmatism is not a disease, but a common visual condition.

What causes astigmatism?
When the front surface of your eye (the cornea) or the lens inside the eye is more oval or cylindrical than round, light does not focus properly on the back inside surface of your eye (retina). Astigmatism is caused by small differences in the growth and alignment of the components of the eye. In some cases, it may be hereditary or it may result from such factors as pressure of the eyelids on the cornea.
How common is astigmatism?
Most people have some degree of astigmatism. It is rare to have a perfectly round optical surface. Small amounts of astigmatism may not require correction with glasses. However, moderate to highly astigmatic eyes will need corrective lenses.
What are signs/symptoms of astigmatism?
Even people with mild to moderate astigmatism will usually have blurred or distorted vision. They may experience headaches, eyestrain, fatigue, blurred vision or distortion at certain distances.
How is astigmatism diagnosed?
A comprehensive eye examination by your Doctor of Optometry will include tests to check for astigmatism.
Can astigmatism by corrected?
Almost all levels of astigmatism can be optically corrected with properly prescribed and fitted eyeglasses or contact lenses. Laser surgery may be an option for appropriate cases.
Does astigmatism get progressively worse?
Astigmatism may change with time. Regular optometric care can, however, help to insure that proper vision is maintained.
For more information or to book an appointment today, please give us a call at 604.553.3900 or visit us at
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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Children & Video Games

As with television viewing, eye care professionals generally agree that video games will not harm your child's eyes or vision if you follow a few viewing tipes. While there is usually less strain involved in gaming than doing close work such as sewing or reading, being in front of a screen for long stretches of time can leave your eyes feeling dry, strained and fatigued. Depending on your child's condition, such as uncorrected hyperopia or myopia, astigmatism or wearing multifocals, your child's eyes could be exerting extra focusing effort or be forced to work harder to maintain a clear image when viewing the screen. Even children with perfect vision may experience symptoms such as blurred vision, eyestrain and headaches while playing video games.
Your child requires excellent visual skills to read, learn and play successfully. To help ease the stress of video games on your child’s eyes, consider the following tips:
  • Make playrooms eye-friendly by reducing glare and offering soft overall lighting.
  • Encourage periodic breaks from computer and video screens to give eyes a break. Balance video game time with plenty of creative, outdoor and quiet play.
  • Keep their screen free of fingerprints and dust, as both can reduce vision clarity.
  • Use the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, encourage your child to take a 20 second break and to focus their eyes on something at least 20 feet away. This will give their eyes a much-needed break and reduce some of the symptoms mentioned earlier.
  • Remind them to blink. Did you know that on average we blink 12 times per minute, but when we’re in front of a screen, we only blink 5 times per minute? That can add up to dry eyes. Relieve the discomfort by reminding your child to blink.
  • Discourage playing video games in a dark room. When the room is totally dark, the contrast between the screen and the surrounding area is too great for comfortable and efficient vision. When the room is softly illuminated, undesirable contrast is kept to a minimum.
  • Adapt the screen’s brightness and contrast to room lighting. This will ensure visual compatibility, as excessively bright lighting tends to reduce contrast on the screen and “wash out” the picture.
  • Encourage your child to sit away from the screen. Though close-up viewing is generally not harmful, viewing at a distance allows for picture details to appear sharper and better defined and the screen lines and defects will be less apparent. If your child persists in playing video games from a short distance, schedule an eye examination for them with your Doctor of Optometry; children who like to sit too close to the screen may be nearsighted (myopic).
While symptoms like headaches, eye strain, blurred vision, eye irritation, double vision, excessive tearing or dry eyes, pain in the eyes or excessive blinking or squinting can be effects of playing video games, any time you experience these symptoms, you should visit your Doctor of Optometry for a comprehensive eye examination. They may also indicate a more serious vision problem, and there is no substitute for the precious gift that is your child’s vision.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Glaucoma Awareness Week

Often called "the silent thief of sight," glaucoma is an increase in the intraocular pressure of the eyes, which causes damage to the optic nerve with no signs or symptoms in the early stages of the disease. If left untreated, glaucoma can lead to a decrease in peripheral vision and eventually blindness.

While there is no cure for glaucoma, there are medications and surgery available that can help halt further vision loss. Early detection and regular eye exams are vital to slowing the progress of the disease.
How is glaucoma detected?
A comprehensive eye examination is often the only way to detect glaucoma. Your Doctor of Optometry will perform a simple and painless procedure called tonometry during your routine eye exam, which measures the internal pressure of your eye. Your Doctor of Optometry will also look into your eye to observe the health of the optic nerve and measure your field of vision.
How is glaucoma treated?
Treatment with daily eye drops and laser surgery is usually effective at maintaining your remaining vision. But once vision is lost due to glaucoma, it cannot be restored. This is why regular preventive eye exams with your Doctor of Optometry are so important.

Please call us at 604.553.3900 for more information or to book an appointment with one of our Doctors of Optometry. Or, visit us online at

Thursday, March 6, 2014

GUNNAR - Advanced Computer Eyewear

Did you know that Vision Source New Westminster is one of the only locations in the lower mainland where you can purchase prescription GUNNAR eyewear?!

GUNNARS are high tech computer eyewear designed to protect, enhance and optimize your vision. These advanced glasses decrease fatigue and dry eye, enhance detail, improve visual performance, among many other benefits!

The Problem:

You spend most of your waking hours glued to your computer screen, smart phone, tablet or TV monitor.

As the hours go by, you subject your eyes to harsh, high intensity blue light and glare from the screen. Constant viewing of digital screens can create eye fatigue, dry eyes, blurry vision, and even headaches, leading to the obvious conclusion – staring at a computer screen can take a toll on your eyes.

The Solution:

GUNNAR computer eyewear is engineered to reduce digital eye strain while increasing contrast, comfort, and focus.

All GUNNAR glasses include our patented lens technology with our proprietary shape to protect your eyes from drying air currents, enhanced focusing power to improve detail for clearer vision, and custom tints and coatings to filter out harsh artificial light and glare.

Benefits of Wearing GUNNARS:

Protects Your Eyes: Eyestrain, visual stress and dry eyes can be caused by extended periods of near to intermediate distance computer viewing. GUNNARs ease the strain and stress by helping your eyes focus more naturally. Less strain on your eyes and an increased ability to focus can help lead to improved productivity.
Improves the Visual Environment:  GUNNAR eyewear protects against environmental factors that can cause vision problems in a workplace environment. The lens tint, coatings, and curvature combat issues like harsh fluorescent light, glare, and ambient air currents that cause your eyes to dry out.

Improves Detail and Focus: GUNNAR’s lens tint, anti-glare coatings, and ultra-pure lens material help provide sharper, clearer vision. GUNNAR lens geometry includes extra focusing power to protect against fatigue from eye muscles straining over extended periods of time. The added power also enhances detail.

Reduces Eye Fatigue: The overabundance of bright artificial light from a digital screen and office lighting can create a strain on your eyes. GUNNAR eyewear filters out the harsh, high energy part of the spectrum and creates a more relaxed viewing experience. If your eyes stay fresh then you can focus longer, work more efficiently, and feel more comfortable.

For more information please contact us!
Vision Source New Westminster - 604.553.3900